Science-based implementation sets the “gold standard” for progress
The Global Implementation Society (GIS) aims to assist the shaping and growing roles that put ideas and practices into action in human service and government organizations. GIS was created out of the urgent need for linking individuals, groups, and nations.
The HANDS Center’s work is built upon principles advocated by GIS and its founding members. These principles guide us in using timelines and steps to make sure we adopt community-driven, organized methods. With the knowledge from GIS, we tailor our approaches to fit the specific needs and readiness of different groups. Our goal is to help communities grow stronger and achieve better results.
We work very closely with GIS to ensure our organization offers the best science-driven aid to our worldwide community:
- HANDS in Autism® has been invited to present posters and presentations at the GIS biennial meeting.
- We also were invited to attend the GIS inaugural 2023 international summit where we had two presentations and five seminal poster presentations. Topics included:
- Comprehensive reciprocally designed training
- Global need for coordinated care: austim spectrum disorder (ASD) and developmental disabilities (DD) evidence-based practices
- Enhancing youth stabilization and transition: evidence-based collaboration for autism care
- Assessing clinical global impressions severity scores in an adolescent ASD and DD population across counties
- Unveiling connections: exploring patient behaviors and traumatic brain injury in autistic youth at the Indiana NDI exploratory project
- Quantitative variation in the understanding of ASD within school personal between the U.S. and Singapore
- Serving on committees including but not limited to the Professional Learning & Resources Committee
- One of the GIS founders, Dean Fixsen, has also been a member of the HANDS International Advisory Board.
Our partnership with GIS has fostered meaningful networks, continued improvement in implementation methods across HANDS projects and promises to continue to ensure a community focus across HANDS partnered work in the future.