Facts and misconceptions about autism
Myth: Autism is an emotional problem.
Fact:Autism is a neurodevelopmental disorder that affects social communication and social interaction as well as behaviors, interests and activities.
Myth: Individuals can be affected by autism or another disorder, but they cannot be affected by multiple disorders.
Fact: It is common for autism to co-occur with other developmental, psychiatric, neurological, chromosomal, and/or genetic diagnoses.
Myth: Autism occurs more often in people with high incomes and higher levels of education.
Fact: Autism affects individuals of all races, ethnicities, social classes, lifestyles, and educational backgrounds equally.
Myth: Autism can be cured.
Fact: Autism cannot be cured; however, there are many treatment options that enable individuals with autism to compensate for areas of challenge.
Myth: Individuals with autism do not become attached or show affection to others.
Fact: Autistic individuals may demonstrate attachment or affectionate behaviors to parents and/or caregivers; however, such attachment or affection may be on the individual’s own terms or expressed in a manner that is different from what society would typically expect.
Myth: All children with autism have savant abilities in specific areas.
Fact: Individuals with autism often have individual strengths and weaknesses across academic and functional areas; however, few individuals with autism have savant abilities.
Myth:The occurrence of autism is equal between boys and girls.
Fact: Autism is more common in boys than girls with 1 in 54 boys being affected in comparison to 1 in 252 girls or approximately 5 boys to every 1 girl receiving an autism diagnosis.