Whether you are interested in learning about our upcoming trainings, discovering new resources, or getting practical weekly tips, we have several newsletters that come out on a regular basis:
General eUpdates (twice a month): Be the first to learn about new training, resources, and handouts available through HANDS in Autism.
Practical Pointers for Families and Caregivers (weekly): A new tip for parents, grandparents, and/or peers delivered weekly to your inbox.
Practical Pointers for Medical Professionals (weekly): A new tip for doctors, nurses, and service providers working with individuals with ASD/DD delivered weekly to your inbox.
Practical Pointers for Classroom Environments (weekly): A new tip for special and general ed teachers, paraprofessionals, SLP, OT, and other educators working with individuals with ASD/DD delivered weekly to your inbox.
Life with ASD—Practical Pointers (weekly): A new tip delivered weekly to your email box that you can use to develop a number of skills to live an independent life!
Local Community Cadres Newsletter (monthly): Learn about community members across diverse roles who take joint responsibility in identifying solutions that will work within their local community to improve the quality of life and inclusion of individuals with ASD and their families.
Newsletter from the Indiana Interagency Autism Coordinating Council (monthly)
Sign up for any of these newsletters at the following link: